Sunday, June 19, 2011

Review of James Bond Quantum of solace or how bourne killed this series


Sup folks Time for another review/opinion piece this time we tackle the franchise killer that is Quantum of solace. This was the last James bond movie made and for all intents and purposes was a success in regards to $$$ (Budget $200 million
Gross revenue $586,090,727) but in terms of continuing a series it was AWFUL.

First thing first lets go into the whats and whys of this movie. Its picks up pretty much right after "Casino Royale" and almost right away they "borrow" from the bourne series and when its not doing that its tripping all over itself stylistically. The plot is that a organization is trying to manipulate the worlds resources to maintain wealth and power. This sounds exciting and dramatic but in essence its really just a rapey Frenchman stealing water from Boliva. In the history of bond that has to be the weakest arc ever. The bond women consisted of a girl who he met and bedded and was killed in the span of 15 min and a Russian tanned to play a Spanish girl who he never slept with. The movie flowed well and the action made sense in the spots that there was action so no complaints there. The issue I think was the willful decision to be a bourne film and in doing so killed the series dead.

The Bourne series which is one of my favorite collection of films caused this and Let me show you why. Every shaky cam Krav Maga style fight and parkour jump roof to roof in this movie screams Bourne. Its as if they made a decision to copy all of what was cool in the Bourne films without realizing they were doing a bond movie. I saw Casino Royale and like most people enjoyed it but deep down I was scared that in the reboot they would change what made James Bond James Bond with this moody asshole. I am not saying go back to the foolishness that was die another day but a middle ground should be found. If they made a fourth Bourne film where he met a girl with a silly double entandre name and bedded her at the conclusion of the adventure we would bitch. I think another reboot(i hate this practice BTW) is in order which pretends the last two movies never happened and get back to easy to build on Bond action and save the innovation for movies like Bourne and Hanna.

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