Monday, May 23, 2011

The arrogence of the Pre-sequel or a sort of review of priest

Hey folks this subject is one of great concern to me and that is the Pre-Sequel. This is the act of writing a movie with intent of a sequel before the movie even comes out. This is stupid as if it makes no money we are left with a unfinished story and that's weak.

I recently saw the sci fi action flick ""Priest" which was if left as is a half a movie. This movie was guilty of a sin that is one of my biggest pet peeves right now and that is the "counting the sequel before it is made". This is cheap on so many levels one it allows for a underwhelming ending as why resolve anything when you can just have a pithy "it,s just beginning". That line if not followed by another movie is cheap and crap as now you as the film maker more or less made me pay to see not even the beginning of the conflict. This movie starts off fine enough with a load of exposition which is done with a animated sequence illustrating the set up of a alternate universe where we have been openly fighting vampires throughout history. this movie is based on a Korean graphic novel so trying to translate all of that info and mythos could not of been easy. The movie follows the exploits of one of priest who were the secret weapons of the church in the war. This is where the movie kinda coasts to the "this is just beginning" line at the end as they feel that explaining anything is a job for later installments to deal with. I mean it was ok otherwise the always great Karl urban was the main villain who in true BS Pre-sequel fashion escapes. I HATE that as now if(and when) this is the last movie we are left hanging on pretty much everything as no story was given closure at all. As long as Star wars looms as the point in time where arrogantly making a movie with the conceit that the story spans 3 whole movies there will always be Pre-sequels.

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