Thursday, May 19, 2011

review of game of thrones season 1 so far.

Hey folks This is the way after the fact review of HBO,s fantasy drama and some(me) would say comedy game of thrones. I say that its a comedy not in the its unintentionally bad funny but more of the "god damn that happened" funny. Lets start from the beginning. A Game of Thrones is the first book in A Song of Ice and Fire, a series of epic fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin. I have not read this book nor do I want to be frank as this looks like a tough read from all the stuff happening on screen. I been watching the show via on demand at my moms house as I do not have HBO yet(weep for me) but what started as a "there's nothing else on lets see what this is about" to appointment TV has been a welcome surprise.One last thing this is a dense fantasy with a equally dense back story and mythos that just goes with little to no exposition to catch you up. So if you are not a fan of fantasy or don,t have the patience or desire to be lost several times a episode then take a pass on this show.

This show Takes place after war deposing a king who was from all accounts sort of a dick and is seen from the Point of view of several people in this new era in the land. The crux of the show is the death of the kings hand who is kind of a major Domo who handles the day to day business of the king. After he dies the king calls on his old friend a Lord of the northern territory to take his place and in doing so sets of a chain of events that leads to and not limited to (royal incest,royal cuckolding,the crippling of a child,the death of a dog, the flying of a butchers son, and a lot of backdoor politics). As insane as this sounds its played out in a very interesting way that has purpose and is not excessive. while this is going on there is a side plot of the son and daughter of the old king in exile which is equally as good. The daughter is married off to a nomadic tribes king with the promise of the use of his army to retake the kingdom that was lost to him. The daughter who starts off being meek and very much the victim by episode four is able to dictate to her abusive brother that his abusing days are over. This is great how the different stories interact without actually touching in any way. I know I have barely covered the surface but I want to leave some space for episode reviews that I will start with this weeks episode and continue until the end of the season. In closing this show is great but not for everyone as its a load of stuff to keep track of and to recall very quickly or stuff stops making sense.

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