Thursday, January 26, 2012

Top Three Moments in the Die Hard Series

Hey folks (insert apology for delay here). I have been meaning to do another Top three moments as they seem to be pretty popular but I had no idea what to write on. I knew it had to be about a 80s/90s action movie but which one? I settled on Die Hard as I after several months of heavy drinking topped off with a two day bender that had me wondering if I would die i watched all four. This marathon gave me keen insight into the choices made from one film to the other and what Moments made the most sense to include in this list.The story of Die Hard is the story of the wrong place at the wrong time fly in the very meticulusly planned ointment. I hope these do the great John Mcclane proud.

1#Die hard 1 dramatic build up to Carl Winslow Ghosting a Dude
It starts with Hans gruber systematicly breaking into a building to steal some bonds with a Motley crew of mercs who all have a role in the most involved(until part 2 and then again in part 3) olan of all time so involved he needed a nerdy black guy who made bad jokes(more on this guy next month. he was baited into thinking he was invincible and his men slowly killed. This leads to him getting hs come uppence and uncerimoniously tossed out a window. This leads to John Mclane Meeting up with his eyes outside The loveable Carl Winslow who was on his way home from procurring donuts and got the call to investigate claims of monkey shines at the building in question. As the two friends embrace a thug mclane shot and hung brandishes a gun and Carl Winslow digs deep and Mercs this dude with Ruthless efficiency he would later use on the sitcom Family Matters.

2#No one from Die hard 2 and on not getting the Memo not to Fuck With John Mclane
Like really why would anyone not read a Goddamn paper and realize its not worth it? He for all intents and purposes is a cop but he never arrests anyone or investigates anything really and the little deduduction he has seems tempered by booze and regret. What he was however was a Killer who never had to answer for anyting and seemed to be able to kill with no regard to due process. In two he killed trained black OPs mercs and James from Good times by kicking him into a Jet. Then In 3 he goes up against Hans grubers brother who its looks understands what the fuck Mclane was about but nope he to thought his God damn army could stop the walking personifaction of death that is John Mclane...WRONG!. By the fourth move Tim Olyphant should of mission abort the second he heard John Mcl... let alone his full name and take his kid hostage?!?!? are you kidding me? That is like slitting your wrist as the only thing you can do is die afterwords

3#His inabilty to die easily
His complete rejection of the concept of Mortality is pretty Damn cool